来源:未知  发布时间:2022-01-08 14:18  点击:
放假时间 :2022.1.23-2022.213
2021年即将过去,华拓超越了年度制造,销售和服务等目标,并成功保持了连续7年的业绩增长。在此,华拓非常感谢所有新老客服信任,非常自豪地说,我们正共做着一份激动人心的工作,从事着一项成 就美好未来的事业。
2022年新春来临之际,华拓祝愿贵公司在新的一年里 众志成城,蓬勃发展,再创辉煌!同时 衷心祝福您和您的家人过一个团圆幸福的春节,祝愿您和您的家人在新的一年里健康快乐,吉祥如意!
As 2021 is about to pass, Huatuo has exceeded its annual manufacturing, sales and service targets and successfully maintained performance growth for 7 consecutive years. Here, Huatuo is very grateful for the trust of all new and old customer service, and is very proud to say that we are doing an exciting job and engaged in a career to achieve a better future.
As the Spring Festival of 2022 is approaching, Huatuo wishes your company to unite as one, flourish and create brilliance in the New Year! At the same time, I sincerely wish you and your family a happy Spring Festival. I wish you and your family health, happiness and good luck in the New Year!